ServiceEdge Solutions - TBEST Services

No matter your location, TBEST can be configured for any transit agency within the US or internationally and  ServiceEdge Solutions professionals can guide your organization through the data configuration process and full implementation of the TBEST software. 

As TBEST is based in Florida, the pre-configured socio-economic data and pre-coded transit networks support Florida users.  However, the TBEST software can be configured to be utilized at any transit agency within the US or internationally.  ServiceEdge works with our clients to collect and input local, regional and national data to configure a complete TBEST system that is ready for user applications including Ridership Estimation, Title VI Analysis, Network Accessibility Analysis, Market Analysis, and System Performance Analysis. 

Through our knowledge of TBEST databases and processes, ServiceEdge GIS professionals will accurately and efficiently configure regional Census, American Community Survey, Parcel and Employment datasets to be compatible with TBEST.  Our TBEST professionals will guide your organization through selecting local data sources which support TBEST analysis and how regional Metropolitan Planning Organization data sources can be utilized to project TBEST socio-economic data into the future.

The TBEST transit planning framework allows for custom model calibration to any local service area. The ServiceEdge team has over 18 years of experience in calibrating TBEST models and will work with agency personnel to gather and process the required data to support the development of direct and transfer boardings equations for each TBEST time period.  During the model calibration process, the team will determine the unique statistical relationship between transit service, accessibility, and socio-economic characteristics within the service area to create model equations which reflect system sensitivity to key transit demand indicators.

The ServiceEdge professional team can assist agencies in maximizing TBEST utilization for service and strategic planning. Our team can perform the following:

  • Model Validation
  • Scenario Development
  • Model Application
  • Title VI Analysis
  • Grant Applications
  • Mobility Analysis
  • Market Analysis
  • Model Maintenance and Socio-Economic Data Updates

The ServiceEdge Team can provide a custom TBEST training sessions which fully examine TBEST concepts, functions and workflows.  Whether the venue is in-person seminar training or immersive webinars, our team has conducted over 25 TBEST training sessions for a variety of clients and is prepared to educate agency staff in TBEST operations and maintenance.

ServiceEdge can develop custom TBEST Scripting and Add-Ins for any implementing transit agency.  TBEST Add-Ins utilize the full TBEST API and ArcGIS API to support unique in-house workflows, reporting, data processing and analysis function not already incorporated into the core TBEST UI.  

TBEST Software Features

  • Flexible, robust transit travel demand forecasting model structure
  • GTFS Network Import and Export Capability
  • Land Use Market Analysis
  • Socio-Economic Market Analysis
  • Service Reporting
  • Route Evaluation Templates
  • Fully-automated FTA Title VI Analysis including Maps and Reports
  • Multi-Modal Mobility Area Analysis and Reporting
  • Scenario Comparison Reporting
  • Network Accessibility Analysis
  • Loaded Network Output
  • Full-Network Coding Environment
  • Stored Queries to assess compliance with performance metrics
  • Performance and Cost Reporting
  • Extensive Map Visualizations
TBEST Drive Path - Transit Service Report


Through projects funded by the Florida Department of Transportation Public Transit Office, ServiceEdge Solutions professionals developed the Transit Boardings Estimation and Simulation Tool (TBEST) software with Research support provided by the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR).  TBEST is a multi-faceted GIS-based modeling, planning and analysis software which integrates socio-economic, land use, and transit network data into a unique platform for scenario-based transit ridership estimation and analysis. 

For more information, visit the TBEST website at:

For more information on our TBEST implementation services: