TBEST Data Hosting Subscription

ServiceEdge provides TBEST Data and Model Hosting options which are designed to fit the needs of our customers.  We provide hosting services for small, medium and large transit agencies, regional MPO’s, state transportation agencies and to private parties. We also bundle TBEST Hosting with TBEST Technical Services to minimize your configuration effort and maximize your time using TBEST for applications. 

How does ServiceEdge TBEST Hosting benefit your Organization?

  • Securely deploy your organization’s TBEST Model, Transit Systems and Socio-Economic data via the TBEST Download functionality to unlimited subscribers
  • Subscribers are managed via the ServiceEdge TBEST Hosting Client Add-In
  • Your Organiziation can track individual subscribers and their TBEST model usage (if model is hosted with ServiceEdge)
  • We maintain and deploy your TBEST model structure or the ServiceEdge TBEST Model structure
  • Bundle your TBEST Hosting Subscription with our professional TBEST Technical Support Services to maintain TBEST data accuracy and availability  
  • With your TBEST data pre-configured, your users will be able to easily begin using TBEST for Transit Planning projects

Hosting Subscription Plans

  • Monthly or Annual Subscriptions
  • Support for one or more transit agencies with one Subscription
  • Select individual or a combination of Hosting Options to meet your TBEST deployment needs
  • Talk to us about bundling our TBEST Technical Support Services with your Hosting Subscription

ServiceEdge TBEST Hosting Options

1. TBEST Socio-Ecomomic Data

  • Securely deploy local, regional, or state-wide TBEST-compatible socio-economic data to your organization’s TBEST users via TBEST Socio-Economic Data Downloads feature.
  • With our bundled TBEST Services, ServiceEdge can maintain your organization’s hosted TBEST socio-economic data using the latest U.S. Census Bureau products including the decennial Census, 5-Year American Community Survey estimates and LEHD employment data.  If available, we can include local parcel land use data so that your customers get the benefit of the TBEST Land Use Market Analysis functionality and the ability to run the FDOT TBEST Land Use model.

2. TBEST Transit Systems

  • Securely deploy one or more TBEST Transit Systems to your TBEST users via the TBEST Transit System Downloads feature.
  • Hosted Transit Systems that are ready for use by your TBEST subscribers.
  • With our bundled TBEST Services, we will integrate the latest socio-economic data for the region, update the base network with the latest GTFS files, and validate the transit system using local ridership data.

3. TBEST Ridership Estimation Model

  • Securely deploy your Organization’s TBEST Model structure via the TBEST Model Downloads feature.
  • ServiceEdge keeps your TBEST Model up-to-date with TBEST API changes so you don’t have to worry about it.
  • Model file updates are automatically deployed to all local subscribers.
  • Optional subscription access to the ServiceEdge TBEST Model Structure (see below).

4. ServiceEdge TBEST Model Structure

The ServiceEdge TBEST Model Structure can be deployed via the TBEST Model Hosting service as an alternative to the default TBEST FDOT TBEST Land Use Model.  The ServiceEdge Model is compatible with TBEST Census and Employment data, but unlike the FDOT TBEST Land Use model, it does not require local parcel land use data configuration and is sensitive to premium transit modes.  

Benefits of implementing the ServiceEdge TBEST Model Structure:

  • Save time and money by excluding TBEST parcel land use data development   
  • Supports local jurisdictions where TBEST-compatible parcel land use data is not available    
  • Ridership estimation support for Heavy Rail, Light Rail and Commuter Rail modes
  • Provides model sensitivity to Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
  • Configurable model parameters to provide a better model fit for your agency 
  • The ServiceEdge TBEST Model structure has been applied all over the US with consistent ridership estimation results that scale to transit agency size and service levels

5. TBEST OpenRouteService.org API Key Code

  • TBEST utilizes OpenRouteService.org API to generate road network shortest paths and Walk, Bike and Drive shed isochrones from OpenStreetMap data.  The default TBEST API Key Code has a limited number of allowed hits per day.
  • Securely deploy an OpenRouteService.org API Key Code that is dedicated to your customers so that you don’t run out of hits to the service.
  • We’ll help you contact OpenRouteService to get the Key Code that best matches your expected TBEST usage.