
Make Transportation Happen!

At ServiceEdge Solutions, constructing incredibly efficient and effective customer software solutions is what we do best.   Our solutions utilize cutting-edge technologies to provide our customers with the right technology fit for their enterprise.

Services and Solutions

TBEST Services

ServiceEdge provides comprehensive support for configuring, implementing, and applying the FDOT TBEST Transit Planning software for any size transit agency.

TBEST Data Hosting

ServiceEdge provides a TBEST Hosting Subscription service to assist our clients with managing and deploying TBEST Socio-Economic data, Transit Networks and Model structures.

Transit Planning

ServiceEdge incorporates transit operations and planning data into data-driven applications which support operational analysis, ridership estimation, strategic planning and service planning.

Transportation Planning

ServiceEdge personnel have supported the development and execution of numerous Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTP), Transportation Improvement Plans (TIP), and Transit Development Plans (TDP).

Software Development

ServiceEdge develops flexible software solutions which satisfy existing requirements, enable innovation through data and process integration, and possess the longevity to meet customer demands in a rapidly changing technology landscape.

GIS Applications

ServiceEdge GIS-based applications are recognized as both innovative and effective as our development approach is to streamline and simplify complex client workflows using intuitive software design based on core mapping and geo-spatial visualization features.

Who We've Worked With